Hack Yourself London 2022
Tales from an elite ethical hacker
'Skeleton's in the closest and other tales from beyond the grave' is a collection of stories on just some of the vulnerabilities Katie Paxton-Fear has found during her time as an Ethical Hacker. Intrigued? Check out her talk from Hack Yourself London 2022.
Katie is a former Developer who discovered her first vulnerability in 2019. Since then, she has created educational videos to help others learn more about ethical hacking and how to find vulnerabilities. In this collection of short stories, you can learn more about some of Katie's experiences with bug bounty and code archeology, including:
- How API versioning is similar to Frankenstein's monster.
- How long-forgotten WordPress blogs and their plugins are prone to hacking.
- The mistakes Developers can make when trying new software.
- Potential Github issues and vulnerabilities in commits.
- Why knowing what you've exposed to the internet is key to staying secure.

Katie Paxton-Fear
PhD in machine learning and cybersecurity, ethical hacker, and video maker