Application Scanning Features
Get flexible, scalable, and easy scanning with Application Scanning
OWASP Top 10 view and beyond: Check your site's OWASP Top 10 score and test for less common and more critical, undocumented vulnerabilities.
API integration: Start, stop and check the status of scans. (Extensive API functionality and easy domain verification are available in our Enterprise package.)
2FA: Two-factor authentication for all users in the team. (Extended authentication control with 2FA and SSO access is available in our Enterprise package.)
Up to 10 team members: Share scan profiles within your team with controlled user permissions. (Further multi-team set-up is available for flexible organizing of assets, access levels, and results in our Enterprise package.)
Export reports: Export the results from your latest scan (PDF, XML, JSON, plus more).
Multiple payment methods: Payment via invoice or credit card. (Minimum order value via invoice $1650/€1500)
Customer support: We'll answer your unique questions and help you make web security as accessible and actionable as possible.
Go Hack Yourself!
Unlimited scanning free for 2 weeks